Using massage tools between appointments

There are plenty of tools that you can use to help yourself feel better in between massage appointments. There are foam rollers, therapy canes, electronic devices providing percussion or vibration, and balls of all kinds. You’ll see ways to use tennis, golf, racquet, and lacrosse balls for massage purposes. These can be great to have at home, at work, or when you travel. They can help ease some pain when you can’t get in for a massage. Life events pop up and make it difficult to squeeze a massage into your schedule at times. Massage is a great part of your plan for taking care of yourself, but of course it can’t be the only thing. It makes sense to have other activities and some tools to keep you feeling good regularly. For example rolling your sore and tired feet on a golf ball for a few minutes feels wonderful – and it helps get you up off the couch and moving again. Before you ditch your massage therapist completely, there are some things to consider. Your tool does only one action. Most just compress your muscles. But that’s not all you need to feel better. In a massage your muscles are pulled, squeezed, kneaded, and stretched as well as being compressed. One tool isn’t the solution to everything. Hammers are good – for hammering. When you need to paint, drill a hole, or tighten a nut they are not nearly as useful. Tools are not are educated in how your body works. Your tool won’t know when to stop and your muscles may get overworked. Working in some areas of your body can be dangerous and may cause serious problems. Obviously you want to feel better, not worse afterwards. Massage therapists have also learned about how much pressure to use and how best to work on a muscle. They can evaluate the progress and change the pressure or try a different technique. They may move you into different positions to change the angle to reach a muscle more effectively. Some tools may require you to get on the floor or bend a certain way. This can be a challenge to some who are lacking in mobility or agility. Pain can be tricky. You may feel the pain in one area but the real source can be somewhere else. If you only address where you feel the pain you will just treat the symptom and the pain will return. A massage therapist can often track down the source and help address the real problem. There’s more to a massage than just working on your muscles. You get personal attention, listened to, and cared for. Your body and mind can both relax as you let go of your responsibilities for a while. Tools for use at home can provide some nice benefits in between massages. Most of us enjoy saving money but when we need something important done correctly we pay a professional. Your body is the only place you have to live. Take care of it right.

Cancellation Policy

I understand that unanticipated events happen occasionally in everyone’s life. In my desire to be effective and fair to all clients, the following policy will be honored.

A deposit of 50% is required to make an appointment. If you don't cancel within 12 hours of your appointment time, you will not receive a refund of that deposit.
You will be charged the full price if you don't show up for the appointment or if you cancel within 15 minutes of the start time.

Ideally, you’ll give me closer to 24-48 hours notice when possible. I trust your judgement and consideration. Should I need to apply the cancellation policy, you will be invoiced via email and this amount must be paid prior to your next scheduled appointment.

Late Arrivals

If you arrive late, your session may be shortened. You will be charged the full amount of the scheduled session.

The most Frequently Asked Question in massage: Do I need to get naked?

Short answer
No. Absolutely not.

Long answer
I’ve found many massage therapists and bodyworkers say, “Undress to your level of comfort.” I think that’s way too vague. And people new to massage have no idea what that means. Heck, I’m not even sure what that means. I’ve even been told by a client that one therapist got angry at him because he did not take his underwear off. Yikes! Here’s what you need to know about clothing during a session:

First, no matter what, you’ll always be covered (draped) with a sheet, at least over your groin and the crevice of your buttocks. Sometimes I include a heated electric blanket. I keep my room warm, and have a table warmer. The most I will ever undrape on someone is both legs, including the hips, and above the groin. This allows for a style of massage similar to Esalen and Lomi-Lomi, which glides over the whole body as a single unit, rather than chunking the massage into “now I work on the leg” and “now I am working on the arm”. However, if I get any indication that my client is uncomfortable with being that exposed, I will not expose them. Or if you’re chilly, I will be sure to keep you covered.

When I work on the full back, I fold the drape down at the hips. If you’re wearing underwear I’ll gently tuck the sheet around the waistband, to protect your clothes from massage oil. If you’re wearing a bra, I’ll work around it. If you’re wearing a tank top or shorts or long johns, I’ll work through it. I know plenty of very effective massage techniques that can be administered over clothing. If I feel I can’t effectively treat your issue through the clothing you’ve chosen to wear, I’ll tell you, and we’ll figure out another approach. Jeans are generally not a good clothing choice for accessing the tissue – the fabric isn’t very stretchy or flexible, and it’s pretty thick. So if you want to receive a massage fully clothed, I recommend wearing yoga pants, leggings, very loose fabric, or a stretchy, thin, fitted fabric…basically anything you’d exercise in. That will allow the greatest movement on your end and for my hands to access your muscles for manipulation.

Please know that I don’t care, and I’m not judging you. This massage is about you and it’s important you feel comfortable. For some people that means leaving some clothing on. For others, it means taking it all off. There is no right or wrong, this is your massage.

Enjoy your next massage!

monkey sticking tongue out

The Physiological Effects of Monthly Massages

However, have you considered regular, monthly massage appointments? Besides having one day set aside each month, to treat yourself with a relaxing spa session, you will actually start to see some physiological effects of regular massages as well.

Here are a few short-term, and long-term ways you may start to notice your monthly self-care trip is benefiting your health.

After Three Months of Routine Visits to Your Massage Therapist:

Lowered Anxiety and Stress Levels: Even after your first massage, you will start to notice that you feel more relaxed, which can be a major plus if you suffer from stress and anxiety. When our bodies experience stress, we tend to tense up our muscles, which leaves our bodies feeling fatigued and sore.

Just one massage helps loosen up these muscles, increase blood flow, and lower stress and anxiety. Breast cancer patients have even reported feeling less depressed and less angry when they incorporated regular massage into their schedule.

Reduced Chronic Back Pain: If you are suffering from the debilitating problems associated with chronic back pain, you know how much it can cut into your daily routine and leave you feeling frustrated, in addition to the pain you’re already experiencing.

A study found that after 10 weeks of regular massage, people experiencing chronic back pain felt less discomfort, and even needed fewer painkillers to manage their symptoms. Cut down on the number of trips to your medicine cabinet with regular trips to see your massage therapist.

Help with Insomnia: Massages increase your serotonin levels, which aides in your ability to fall asleep, and stay asleep. You may find yourself relying on sleeping pills to get some shuteye, which nobody wants to have to take.

Unlike other sleep aids which can be harmful or addictive, you’ll experience no negative side effects from a massage, and you’ll find yourself able to fall asleep a little easier – especially after an evening massage.

After Six Months of Monthly Massage, You’ll Feel:

For Patients with Diabetes: If you have Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes, regular massage could impact your blood glucose levels. Especially when massages happen at the injection or site of absorption for insulin, there have been marked improvements observed in lowered blood glucose levels.

Additionally, regular, increased blood flow as a result of your monthly massages can help with neuropathy symptoms that accompany diabetes, such as nerve pain. Make regular visits to your massage therapist to see improvements in your blood sugar levels, and feel like you’re getting seriously pampered, all at the same time.

Reduced Fibromyalgia Symptoms: Even after your first massage, if you experience the pain of fibromyalgia, you will notice decreased pain, but with regular massage, you will start to notice the following benefits as well:

  • Better sleep (especially after evening sessions)
  • Improved muscle strength and function
  • Improved mental clarity (as a result of lowered stress)
  • Headache relief
  • Decreased stress and anxiety

Focus for ADHD: Studies have shown that massage has been helpful in increasing focus and decreasing the stress and anxiety that can accompany ADHD, especially in children. While immediate improvements were shown in their ability to focus and be less squirmy and more attentive in class, continued massage therapy has also shown long-term behavioral improvement in the classroom.

There was also an uptick in confidence as well. If your child is particularly squirmy, regular massage may help them pay attention to what they need to be doing in the classroom, and at home.

What You’ll Feel After Twelve Months of Regular Monthly Massage:

Continued Improvements for Patients with Diabetes: After 12 months, regular massages, especially at the insulin injection or absorption site, can help Type 2 patients not only see lowered blood glucose levels as seen after six months of massages, but actually close to normal blood glucose levels. Additionally, you may also notice a reduction in the amount of inflammation you are experiencing as well.

Lowered Blood Pressure: A high blood pressure can leave you at risk for stroke and other major health complications, but it’s actually been proven that the relaxation or regular massage lowers your blood pressure¹. You can help keep your blood pressure in check, all while enjoying the rejuvenating benefits of massage, with regular sessions with a skilled massage therapist.

Additional Health Benefits: Other ways that regular massage can help improve your overall health? With improved blood flow comes improved immunity, making you less likely to pick up to cold that might be floating around your office, or at your kids’ school.

Are you training for a race, or spending a lot of time at the gym or in a pilates class? After an extended period of regular massages, you may also begin to notice an increased range of motion.

Because you are repeatedly reminding your muscles to relax and repeatedly releasing tension, you may find yourself feeling a little bendier in your yoga classes. Tense muscles make it much harder to find your full range of motion, and happy, relaxed muscles support an increased range of motion.

It’s not just one day a month to splurge on sixty to ninety minutes of pampering. Regular, monthly massages will leave you feeling healthier and happier, and truly make a difference in your overall well-being.

¹ “A study in the Journal Biological Research for Nursing found that folks who had a massage for merely 10 minutes at least three times a week lowered their blood pressure effectively. These findings were relative to people who spent time relaxing.”