Do massage therapists ever get turned on giving massages?

There’s a lot of diversity in the massage therapy community, but speaking for myself I’d have to say…no. It’s undeniable that I have massaged people that I consider to be attractive. But I’m at work, and I’m only thinking about how I can serve my client, regardless of how scrumptious he might be. It is so important for my clients to feel safe and not judged, either positively or negatively. 

I hate going to businesses and being told I’m attractive or given any kind of sexual energy. Man, Home Depot is the worst. I just want to do what I came for. Seriously. If you’re a dude working at Home Depot, just leave the poor ladies alone.

I would hate myself if I gave off that vibe to anybody who walked into my studio. But I don’t even have to worry about it, because I’m so focused on learning what the client needs and how I’m going to accomplish it with the time that we have. It really doesn’t phase me if I think he’s the sexiest thing in the world. Who cares? That is so beside the point. We have come together for a serious project – bodywork. There is so much information I am sorting through as I assess my client’s treatment. It’s just an afterthought.

Don't be self conscious!

So, no, I also don’t care if you aren’t sexy! BECAUSE I DON’T CARE EITHER WAY! Women – stop being embarrassed about whether or not you shaved your legs or got a pedicure. I don’t care!

Men – don’t worry if something about you is going to turn me off. I was never turned on! And I never will be, so don’t even try. 

Our time together is all about you forgetting your worries. Let your mind escape into that safe place where you are an exceptional being full of love and creativity. That is what you’re paying me for, and that is what we should both be focusing on. 

Erin giving a back massage with a thought bubble with a math equation relating to time


Lately, it’s been blog post ideas. I always get really inspired when giving a massage. It’s meditative for me. My best ideas come to me when I’m giving a massage, and I feel refreshed afterwards.


I also think a lot about time.

For example, when someone says they want me to focus more on their hamstrings and their abdomen, I have to consider which areas to spend less time on. I start my massages by working on the back so I can take a few breaths and center myself, and take a minute to assess what was said in the interview before the client got on the table.