Review Study Guide for PE 307 Exam I

Chapter 1: Foundations of Structural Kinesiology

Structural kinesiology, reference positions, axial and appendicular skeleton

Anatomical directional terminology, Planes of motion, Axes of rotation, Terms describing movements

Cardinal plane, center of gravity

Major skeletal functions

Types of bones and joints

Bone markings, aponeurosis

Practice Questions:

Common movements taking place in the frontal plane (i.e. divides the body into _____ halves) are _______?

a. right and left – flexion and extension

b. anterior and posterior – abduction and adduction

c. superior and posterior – internal and external rotation

d. none of the above

Joints with no observable movement are known as:

a. amphiarthrodial

b. synarthrodial

c. diarthrodial

d. condyloidal

T or F: An “enarthrodial” joint permits movement in 2 planes without rotation

Chapter 2: Neuromuscular Fundamentals

Muscle Nomenclature

Shape of muscles and fiber arrangement

Muscle tissue properties

Muscle terminology

Types of muscle contraction

Roles of muscles

Tying roles of muscles together

Determination of muscle action (lines of pull)

Neuromuscular concepts


Practice Questions:

T or F: The distal attachment, generally considered the most movable part or the part that attaches furthest from the midline of the body is known as the “insertion”

All of the following are TRUE regarding eccentric muscle contractions EXCEPT:

a. agonist muscle length lengthens

b. joint angles changes in direction of resistance/external force

c. slows down/stops the rate of movement “braking action”

d. none of the above

T or F: As a joint moves through its range of motion, the ability of the ‘line of pull’ changes, and can result in the muscle having a different or opposite action than the original position

Chapter 4: Shoulder Girdle

Anatomy of shoulder girdle (scapula and clavicle)

Joint classification

Movements (know 6 muscles, origins, insertion, action, and location of muscles, movement planes and axes of rotation, general strength applications and pairing of SG and SJ movements)

Practice Questions:

The muscle that originates from the base of the skull (external occipital protuberance) to the end of the thoracic vertebrae (approx. two thirds of the way down the back) and acts on the shoulder girdle is known as the:

a. latissimus dorsi

b. erector spinae

c. teres major

d. trapezius

The trapezius causes all of the following (concentric) actions EXCEPT:

a. adduction

b. elevation

c. depression

d. downward rotation

True or False: All the muscles that move the ‘shoulder girdle’ originate somewhere on the appendicular skeleton.

Chapter 5: Shoulder Joint

Anatomy of the shoulder joint and humerus

Joint classification

Movements (know 9 muscles, origins, insertions, intrinsic vs extrinsic, action and location of muscles, movement planes and axes of rotation and general strength applications)

Practice Questions:

Which of the following muscles is not considered an anterior muscle that acts on the shoulder joint?

a. pectoralis major

b. pectoralis minor

c. subscapularis

d. corocobrachialis

The infraspinatus muscle and which of the following muscles are usually considered the primary external rotators of the shoulder joint?

a. supraspinatus

b. subscapularis

c. teres major

d. teres minor

A muscle that originates on the ‘posterior crest of the ilium, back of the sacrum and spinous process of the lumbar and lower six thoracic vertebrae and slips from lower 3 ribs’ and inserts on the ‘medial side of the intertubercular groove of the humerus’ is known as the:

a. trapezius

b. rhomboids

c. latissimus dorsi

d. teres major

T or F? Shoulder joint flexion pairs with shoulder girdle downward rotation.

Chapter 6: Elbow and Radioulnar Joints

Anatomy of the elbow joint, radioulnar joint, radius and ulna, joint classification

Movements (know 8 muscles, origins, insertions, actions and locations of the muscles, movement planes and axes of rotation and general strength applications)

Practice Questions:

The radioulnar joint is classified as a ______ joint?

a. ball and socket/condyloidal 

b. gliding/arthrodial

c. Sellar/saddle

d. trochoid/pivot

The (concentric) actions of the brachialis are elbow:

a. extension/supination

b. flexion/pronation

c. flexion/supination

d. none of the above

A muscle that originates on the distal two thirds of the lateral condyloid ridge of the humerus and inserts on the lateral surface of the distal end of the radius at the styloid process is known as the:

a. brachialis

b. biceps brachii

c. anconeus

d. brachioradialis

T or F? The Biceps brachii acts best as an elbow flexor when it is in a ‘supinated’ position


b, b, F

T, d, T

d, d, F

b, d, c, T, F

d, d, d, T

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