Massage therapy is appropriate for people of all ages. If you think your child could benefit from the relaxation, reduced anxiety, and improved sleep that massage can provide, bring him or her in. Children sessions are 30 minutes long and the first session is mostly spent building rapport and asking the child if they’re okay with the therapist touching their hands.
Puppets are available to aide in the child’s comfort with accepting touch.
In a way, I view all my clients as children. I understand some of us may never grow out of certain shynesses or anxieties, or we develop them along the way. If you think you could benefit from massage, but feel shy or anxious about it, reach out. We can do a pediatric massage for you, in which our first session involves discussing what massage therapy is, and receiving a hand massage if you are comfortable with that. You will not be pressured to undress or lie down if you aren’t ready to.