List of Dr. Parey's Books and Their Contents

Ambrose Parey aka Ambroise Paré


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I. What Surgery is
II. Of Surgical operations
III. Of Things Natural
IV. Of Elements
V. Of Temperaments
VI. Of Humors
VII. Of the Practice of the aforesaid rules of Temperaments
VIII. Of the Faculties
IX. Of the Actions
X. Of the Spirits
XI. Of the Adjuncts of things Natural
XII. Of Things Not Natural
XIII. Of the Aire
XIV. Of Meat and Drink
XV. Of Motion and Rest
XVI. Of Sleepe and Watching
XVII. Of Repletion, and Imanition, or Emptiness
XVIII. Of the Perturbations, or Passions of the mind
XIX. Of things against Nature, and first of the Cause of a Disease
XX. Of a Disease
XXI. Of a Symptome
XXII. Of Indications
XXIII. Of Certaine wonderfull and extravagant wayes of Curing diseases
XXIV. Of Certaine jugling and deceiptfull wayes of Curing

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Of the Faculty of brute beasts in presaging
Of the Industry of Fishes
Of the industry of birds in the building of their nests
Of the industry of Spiders
Of Bees
Of the care of bees
Of Pismires and Ants
Of Silkworms
Of the loves of beasts one towards another and to their young
Of the affection of birds, and of dogs towards their masters
Of the strength, piety, docility, clemency, chastity, and gratitude of elephants
Of the Lamprey
That savage, or brute beasts may be made tame
The Fishes may also be tamed.
That men were taught by beasts to polish, and to whet their weapons, and to lie in ambush
Of the lion, the ichneumon, and those other beasts which are not easily terrified
Of Cocks
Of Conies
Of Wolves
Of the Fox
Of Swine
Of the fishes Scarus and Anthia
Of the Pilot Fish
Of Cranes
Of Geese
Of Dragons
Of the fish called the fisherman
Of the cuttell Fish
Of the arms or weapons of brute beasts
Of the Fish Utelif
Of the fish Caspilly
Of Crabs
Of the Docility of Beasts, and first of the Dog
Of the Ape.
Of ravenous birds
Of the camels
That birds have taught us musical tunes
That beasts know one another’s voice
That birds may counterfeit man’s voice
Of the Sympathy and Antipathy of Living creatures amongst themselves
That man excels all beasts
What benefit man has by reason of his native nakedness and ignorance
How wonderful god has showed himself in making man
Why nature has not given man the faculty of persaging (foresight)
Of the Crocodile
That man may attain unto the knowledge of all voices and tongues

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I. The Division or Partition of Man’s Body
II. Of the containing parts of the epigastrium, and the preparation to anatomical administration
III. The utmost skin or cuticle
IV. The true skin
V. The fleshy pannicle
VI. Of The fat.
VII. Of The common coat of The Muscles
VIII. What a muscle is, and how many differences there be thereof.
IX. Of The parts of a muscle
X. A more particular inquisition into each part of a muscle.
XI. Of The muscles of the epigastrium, or lower belly.
XII. Of The white line and peritoneum, or rim of the belly.
XIII. Of The epiploon, omentum, or zirbus, that is the kall.
XIIII. The ventricle or stomach.
XV. Of The guts.
XVI. The mesentery.
XVII. The glandules in general, and of the pancreas, or sweet bread.
XVIII. The liver.
XIX. The bladder of the gall.
XX. The spleen or milt.
XXI. The Vena porta, or gate vein, and the distribution thereof.
XXII. The original of the artery, and the division of the branch, descending to the natural parts.
XXIII. The distribution of the nerves to the natural parts.
XXIV. The manner of taking out the guts.
XXV. The original and distribution of the descendant hollow vein.
XXVI. The kidneys or reins.
XXVII. The spermatic vessels.
XXVIII. The testicles, or stones.
XXIX. The varicose bodies or Parastat’s, and of the ejaculatory vessels and the glandulous or prostates.
XXX. The ureters.
XXXI. The bladder.
XXXII. Of the yard.
XXXIII. Of the spermatic vessels and testicles in women.
XXXIV. Of the Womb.
XXXV. Of the coats containing the infant in the womb, and of the navel.
XXXVI. The navel.

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I. What the Thorax, or the Chest is, into what parts it may be divided and the nature of these parts
II. Of the Containing, and Contained Parts of the Chest
III. Of the Breasts or Dugs
IV. Of the Clavicles, or Collar Bones and Ribs
V. The Anatomical Administration of the Sternum
VI. Of the Pleura, or Coat Investing the Ribs
VII. Of the Mediastinum
VIII. Of the Diaphram or Midriff
IX. Of the Lungs
X. Of the Pericardium or Purse of the Heart
XI. Of the Heart
Of the Ventricles of the Heart
Of the Orifices and Valves of the Heart
XII. Of the Distribution of the Vena Arteriosa and the Arteria Venosa
XIII. The Distribution of the Ascendant Hollow Vein
XIV. The Distribution of the Nerves, or Sinews of the sixth Conjugation
XV. The Division of the Arteries
XVI. Of the Thymus
XVII. Of the Aspera Arteria, the rough artery or weazon
XVIII. Of the Gullet

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I. A General Description Of The Head.
II. Of the musculous skin of the head, commonly called hairy scalp, and of the pericranium
III. Of the Sutures
IV. Of the Cranium, or Skull
V. Of the Meninges, that is, The Two Membranes Called Dura Mater and Pia Mater
VI. Of the Braine
VII. Of the Ventricles and Mamillary Processes of the Braine.
VIII. Of The 7 Conjugations Of The Nerves Of The Braine, So Called, Because They Always Show The Nerves Conjugated And Doubled, That, Is On Each Side One
IX. Of The Rete Mirabile, Or Wonderful Net, And Of The Wedge-Bone
X. Of The Holes Of The Inner Basis Of The Skull
XI. Of The Perforations Of The External Basis Of The Braine.
XII. Of The Spinal Marrow, Or Pith Of The Backe.

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The Preface
I. Of the bones of the face
II. Of the teeth.
III. Of the broad muscle
IV. Of the eyelids and eyebrows
V. Of the Eyes
VI. Of the muscles, coats, and humors of the eye.
VII. Of the Nose
VIII. Of the Muscles of the Face.
IX. Of the Muscles of the Lower Jaw.
X. Of the Ears and Parotides or Kernels of the Ears.
XI. Of the Bone Hyoids, and The Muscles Thereof
XII. Of the Tongue
XIII. Of the Mouth.
XIV. Of the Gargareon, or Uvula.
XV. Of the Larynx or throttle.
XVI. Of the Neck and the Parts Thereof.
XVII. Of the Muscles of the Neck.
XVIII. Of the Muscles of the Chest and Loins.
XIX. Of the Muscles of the Shoulder-Blade.
XX. The Description of the Hand Taken in General.
XXI. The Distribution of the Subclavian Vein, And First Of the Cephalica, or Humeraria.
XXII. The Description of the Axillary Vein.
XXIII. The Distribution of the Axillary Artery.
XXIV. Of the Nerves of the Neck, Back, and Arm.
XXV. The Description of the Bone of the Arm, and the Muscles Which Move it.
XXVI. The Description of the Bones of the Cubit and the Muscles Moving Them.
XXVII. The Description of the Bones of the Wrist, Afterwrist, and Fingers
XXVIII. Of The Muscles Which Seated In The Cubit Move The Wand And With It The Hand.
XXIX. Of The Muscles Of The Inside Of The Hand.
XXX. A Description Of The Leg Taken In General.
XXXI. A Description Of The Crural Vein.
XXXII. The Distribution Of The Crural Artery.
XXXIII. Of The Nerves Of The Loins, Holy-Bone, And Thigh
XXXIV. Of The Proper Parts Of The Thigh
XXXV. Of The Muscles Moving The Thigh.
XXXVI. Of The Bones Of The Leg, Or Shank.
XXXVII. Of The Muscles Of The Legs.
XXXVIII. Of The Bones Of The Foot.
XXXIX. Of The Muscles Moving The Foot.
XL. Of The Muscles Moving The Toes Of The Feet.
XLI. An Epitome Or Brief Recital Of The Bones In A Man’s Body.
XLII. An Epitome Of The Names And Kinds Of Composure Of The Bones.

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I. What A Tumor Against Nature, Vulgarly Called An Impostume Is, And What Be The Differences Thereof.
II. Of the General Causes of Tumors.
III. The Signs of Impostumes or Tumors In General.
IV. Of the Prognosticks in Impostumes.
V. Of the General Cure of Tumors Against Nature.
VI. Of The Four Principal And General Tumors, And Of The Other Impostumes Which May Be Reduced To Them.
VII. Of a Phlegmon.
VIII. Of the Causes and Signs of a Phlegmon.
IX. Of the Cure of a True Phlegmon.
X. The Cure of an Ulcerated Phlegmon.
XI. Of Fevers, and the Cures of These Fevers Which Accompany Phlegmon.
XII. Of An Erysipelas, or Inflammation.
XIII. Of the Cure of an Erysipelas.
XIV. Of the Herpes; That is Teaters, or Ringworms, or Such Like.
XV. Of Fevers, Which Happen Upon Erysipelous Tumors.
XVI. Of an Edema or Cold Phlegmatic Tumor.
XVII. Of the Cure of Flatulent and Waterish Tumors.
XVIII. Of the Cure of a Flatulent and Waterish Tumor.
XIX. Of an Atheroma, Steatoma, and Meliceris.
XX. Of the Cure of Lupiae, That is, Wens, or Ganglions.
XXI. Of a Ganglion More Particularly So Called.
XXII. Of the Struma or Scrophula, that is, The King’s Evil
XXIII. Of the Fever Which Happens Upon an Edematous Tumor.
XXIV. Of a Scirrhus, or An Hard Tumor Proceeding of Melancholy.
XXV. Of the Cure of a Scirrhus.
XXVI. Of a Cancer Already Generated.
XXVII. Of the Causes, Kinds, and Prognostics of a Cancer.
XXVIII. Of the Cure of a Cancer Beginning, and Not Yet Ulcerated.
XXIX. Of the Cure of an Ulcerated Cancer.
XXX. Of the Topic Medicines to be Applied To an Ulcerated, and Not Ulcerated Cancer.
XXXI. Of the Fever Which Happens in Scirrhus Tumors.
XXXII. Of an Aneurisma, that is, the dilatation, or springing of an artery, or sinew.

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The Preface.
I. Of a hydrocephalus or watery tumor which commonly affects the heads of infants.
II. Of a polypus, being an eating disease in the nose
III. of the parotides that is, certain swellings about the ears.
IV. of the Epulis, or overgrowing of the flesh of the gums.
V. of the Ranula.
VI. of the swelling of the glandules, or almonds of the throat.
VII. of the inflammation and relaxation of the uvula, or columella.
VIII. of the angina, or Squinzy.
IX. of the Bronchocele, or rupture of the throat.
X. of the pleurisy.
XI. of the Dropsy.
XII. Of the cure of the dropsy.
XIII. Of the tumor and relaxation of the navel.
XIV. Of the tumors of the groins and cods, called hernia, that is, ruptures
XV. of the cure of ruptures
XVI. of the golden ligature, or the punctus Aureus, as they call it.
XVII. of the cure of other kinds of ruptures
XVIII. of the falling down of the fundament
XIX. of the Paronychia.
XX. of the swelling of the knees
XXI. Of The Dracunculus.

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I. What a wound is, what the kinds and differences thereof are, and from whence they may be drawn or derived.
II. Of The Causes Of Wounds.
III. Of The Signs Of Wounds.
IV. Of Prognostics To Be Made In Wounds.
V. Of The Cure Of Wounds In General.
VI. Of Sutures.
VII. Of The Flux Of Blood, Which Usually Happens In Wounds.
VIII. Of The Pain Which Happens Upon Wounds
IX. Of Convulsion By Reason Of A Wound.
X. The Cure Of A Convulsion.
XI. Of The Cure Of A Convulsion, By Sympathy And Pain.
XII. Of The Palsy.
XIII. Of The Cure Of The Palsy.
XIV. Of Swooning
XV. Of Delirium, Raving, Talking Idly Or Doting.

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I. Of the kinds of differences of a broken skull.
II. Of The Causes And Signs Of A Broken Skull.
III. Of The Signs Of A Broken Skull, Which Are Manifest To Our Sense.
IV. Of A Fissure, Being The First Kind Of A Broken Skull.
V. Of A Contusion, Which Is The Second Sort Of Fracture
VI. Of An Effracture, Depression Of The Bone, Being The Third Kind Of Fracture.
VII. Of A Seat, Being The Fourth Kind Of A Broken Skull.
VIII. Of A Resonitus, Or Counter-Fissure, Being The Fifth Kind Of Fracture
XI. Of The Moving, Or Concussion, Of The Brain.
X. Of The Prognostics To Be Made, In Fractures Of The Skull.
XI. Why, When The Brain Is Hurt By A Wound Of The Head, There May Follow A Convulsion Of The Opposite Part
XII. A Conclusion Of The Deadly Signs In The Wound Of The Head.
XIII. Of Salutarie Signs In Wounds Of The Head
XIV. Of The General Cure Of A Broken Skull, And Of The Symptoms Usually Happening Thereupon.
XV. Of The Particular Cure Of Wounds Of The Head, And Of The Musculous Skin.
XVI. Of The Particular Cure Of A Fractured Or Broken Skull.
XVII. Why We Use Trepaning, In The Fractures Of The Skull.
XVIII. A Description Of Trepans.
XIX. Of The Places Of The Skull Whereto You May Not Apply A Trepan.
XX. Of The Corruption And Caries, Or Rottenness Of The Bones Of The Head
XXI. Of The Discommodities Which Happen To The Crassia Meninx By Fractures Of The Skull.
XXII. Of The Cure Of The Brain Being Shaken Or Moved.
XXIII. Of The Wounds Of The Face.
XXIV. Of The Wounds Of The Eyes.
XXV. Of Wounds Of The Cheeks.
XXVI. Of The Wounds Of The Nose.
XXVII. Of The Wounds Of The Tongue.
XXVIII. Of The Wounds Of The Ears.
XXIX. Of The Wounds Of The Neck And Throat.
XXX. Of The Wounds Of The Chest.
XXXI. Of The Cure Of The Wounds Of The Chest.
XXXII. Of The Differences, Causes, Signs And Cure Of An Hectic Fever.
XXXIII. Of The Wounds Of The Epigastrium And Of The Whole Lower Belly.
XXXIV. The Cure Of Wounds Of The Lower Belly.
XXXV. Of The Wounds Of The Groins, Yard And Testicles.
XXXVI. Of The Wounds Of The Thighs And Legs.
XXXVII. Of The Wounds Of The Nerves, And Nervous Parts.
XXXVIII. Of The Cure Of Wounds Of The Nervous Parts.
XXXIX. Of The Wounds Of The Joints.
XXXX. Of The Wounds Of The Ligaments.

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Publishing this book
Origin & Harm of Guns
Thunder and Lighting vs Cannons
Are Gunshot Wounds Poisoned?
Oil of Whelps
Proving Gunpowder is not poisonous
Are Gunshot Wounds Caustic?
The Greasy Scullion vs The Guard: Two burns
Heat of Bullets
Unseasonable Air
Ball-Bellows of Germany
Paris Explosion
The Seasons
The Winds
The Last Few Years
Divine Justice
I. The Variety of Gunshot Wounds
II. Signs a Wound is Made by Gunshot
III. How these wounds must be treated at the first dressing
IV. A description of instruments to extract bullets and other strange bodies
A toothed crows bill
The crooked cranes-bill with teeth like a saw
The ducks-bill
The catch-bullet
Gimblet with its pipe, or cane.
V. The first dressing after the strange bodies are extracted from the wound
Powdered Red Alum ointment
Kitten Oil
Powdered Mercury Remedy
Refrigerating and Strengthening Medicine:
VI. How you shall order it at the second dressing.
Barley-water recipe
VII. How to remove strange bodies left in at the first dressing
VIII. Indications to be observed in these kinds of wounds.
IX. What remains for the surgeon to do in these kinds of wounds.
X. Bullets which remain in the body for a long time after the wound is healed up.
XI. How to correct the constitution of the air, so that the noble parts may be strengthened and the whole body besides.
XII. Case Studies.
1. Count of Mansfelt
2. Charles Philip of Croy
XIII. A Retort.
Gunshot Wounds ARE Contusions!
Don’t Question the Ancients!
My Medicine Is Not Poisonous
Seasonableness DOES Matter
Thunder and Lightning, Again
Adversary’s Cures
XIV. More on gunshot wounds being poisoned
XV. How wounds made by arrows differ from those made by gunshot.
XVI. The diversities of arrows and darts.
XVII. The differences of the wounded parts
XVIII. Drawing forth arrows.
XIX. How arrows broken in a wound may be drawn forth.
XX. What to do when an arrow is left fastened in a bone.
XXI. Poisoned wounds.

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I. Contusions
II. Of the general cure of great and enormous contusions.
III. How we must handle contusions, when they are joined with a wound.
IV. Of these contusions which are without a wound.
V. By What Means The Contused Part May Be Freed From The Fear And Imminent Danger Of A Gangrene
VI. Of That Strange Kind Of Symptom Which Happens Upon Contusions Of The Ribs.
VII. A Discourse Of Mumia Or Mummy.
VIII. Of Combustion And Their Differences.
IX. Of Hot And Attractive Medicines To Be Applied To Burns.
X. Of A Gangrene And Mortification.
XI. Of The General And Particular Causes Of A Gangrene.
XII. Of The Antecedent Causes Of A Gangrene.
XIII. Of The Signs Of A Gangrene.
XIV. Of The Prognostics In Gangrenes.
XV. Of The General Cure Of A Gangrene.
XVI. Of The Particular Cure Of A Gangrene.
XVII. The Signs Of A Perfect Necrosis Or Mortification.
XVIII. Where Amputation Must Be Made.
XIX. How The Section Or Amputation Must Be Performed.
XX. How To Stanch The Bleeding When The Member Is Taken Off.
XXI. How After The Blood Is Stanched, You May Dress The Wounded Member.
XXII. How You Must Stop The Bleeding, If Any Of The Bound Up Vessels Chance To Get Loose.
XXIII. How To Perform The Residue Of The Cure Of The Amputated Member.
XXIV. What Just Occasion Moved The Author To Devise This New Form Of Remedy, To Staunch The Blood After The Amputation Of A Member, And To Forsake The Common Way Used Almost By All Surgeons, Which Is, By Application Of Actual Arteries.
XXV. The Practice Of The Former Precepts Is Declared, Together With A Memorable History Of A Certain Soldier, Whose Arm Was Taken Off At The Elbow.

I. Of the Nature, Causes, and Differences of Ulcers.
II. Of The Signs Of Ulcers.
III. Of the prognostics of ulcers
IV. Of The General Cure Of Ulcers.
V. Of A Distempered Ulcer.
VI. Of An Ulcer With Pai.
VII. Of Ulcers With Overgrowing Or Proudness Of Flesh.
VIII. Of An Ulcer Putrid And Breeding Worms.
IX. Of a Sordid Ulcer.
X. Of A Virulent, Eating And Malign Ulcer Which Is Termed Cacoethes, And Of A Chironian Ulcer.
XI. Advertisement To The Young Surgeon Touching The Distance Of Times Wherein Malign Ulcers Are To Be Dressed.
XII. How To Bind Up Ulcers
XIII. Of The Cure Of Particular Ulcers, And First Of Those Of The Eyes.
XIV. Of The Ozaena And Ulcers Of The Nose.
XV. Of The Ulcers Of The Mouth.
XVI. Of The Ulcers Of The Ears.
XVII. Of The Ulcers Of The Windpipe, Weazon, Stomach And Guts.
XVIII. Of The Ulcers Of The Kidneys And Bladder.
XIX. Of The Ulcers Of The Womb.
XX. Of The Varices And Their Cure By Cutting.
XXI. Of Fistulas
XXII. Of The Cure Of Fistulas.
XXIII. Of The Fistulas In The Fundament
XXIV. Of Hemorrhoids.

I. Of the Differences of Bandages
II. Shows The Indications And General Precepts Of Fitting Of Bandages And Ligatures.
III. Of The Three Kinds Of Bandages Necessary In Fractures.
IV. Of The Binding Up Of Fractures Associated With A Wound.
V. Certain Common Precepts Of The Binding Up Of Fractures And Luxations.
VI. The Uses For Which Ligatures Serve.
VII. Of Bolsters Or Compresses.
VIII. Of The Use Of Splints, Junks, And Cases.

I. What a Fracture is, and what the differences thereof are.
II. Of The Signs Of A Fracture.
III. Of Prognostics To Be Made In Fractures.
IV. The General Cure Of Broken And Dislocated Bones.
V. By What Means You May Perform The Third Intention In Curing Fractures And Dislocations, Which Is, The Hindering And Correction Of Accidents And Symptoms.
VI. Of The Fracture Of The Nose.
VII. Of The Fracture Of The Lower Jaw.
VIII. Of The Fracture Of The Clavicle Or Collarbone.
IX. Of The Fracture Of The Shoulder Blade
X. Of The Fracture And Depression Of The Sternum Or Breastbone
XI. Of The Fracture Of The Ribs.
XII. Of Certain Preternatural Effects Which Ensue Upon Broken Ribs.
XIII. Of The Fracture Of The Vertebrae, Or Rack Bones Of The Back, And Of Their Processes.
XIV. Of The Fracture Of The Holy Bone.
XV. Of The Fracture Of The Rump.
XVI. Of The Fracture Of The Hip Or Os Ilium.
XVII. Of A Fracture Of The Shoulder, Or Arm Bone.
XVIII. Of The Fracture Of The Cubit, Or The Ell And Wand.
XIX. Of The Fracture Of A Hand
XX. Of The Fracture Of A Thigh
XXI. Of The Fracture Of The Thigh Knee To The Joint, Or The Upper Or Lower Head Of The Bone.
XXII. Of The Fracture Of The Patella, Or Whirle-Bone Of The Knee.
XXIII. Of A Broken Leg.
XXIV. Of Some Things To Be Observed In Ligation, When A Fracture Is Associated With A Wound.
XXV. What Was Used To The Author’s Leg After The First Dressing.
XXVI. What May Be The Cause Of The Convulsive Twitching Of Broken Members.
XXVII. Certain Documents Concerning The Parts, Whereon The Patient Must Necessarily Rest, Whilst He Lies In His Bed.
XXVIII. By What Means We May Know The Callus Is A Breeding.
XXIX. Of Those Things Which May Hinder The Generation Of A Callus, And How To Correct The Faults Thereof, If It Be Ill Formed.
XXX. Of Fomentations Which Be Used To Broken Bones.
XXXI. Of The Fracture Of The Bones Of The Feet.

I. Of the Kinds and Manners of Dislocations.
II. Of The Differences Of Dislocations.
III. Of The Causes Of Dislocations.
IV. The Signs Of Dislocations.
V. Of Prognostics To Be Made Upon Luxations.
VI. Of The General Cure Of Dislocations.
VII. The Description Of Certain Engines, Serving For The Restoring Of Dislocations.
VIII. Of The Dislocation Of The Jawbone.
IX. How To Set The Jaw Dislocated Forwards On Both Sides.
X. Of Restoring The Jaw Dislocated Forwards But On One Side.
XI. Of The Luxation Of The Collarbone.
XII. Of The Luxation Of The Spine, Or Backbone.
XIII. Of The Dislocation Of The Head.
XIV. Of The Dislocation Of The Vertebrae Or Rack-Bones Of The Neck.
XV. Of The Dislocated Vertebrae Of The Back.
XVI. How To Restore The Spine Outwardly Dislocated.
XVII. A More Particular Inquiry Of The Dislocation Of The Vertebrae Proceeding From An Internal Cause.
XVIII. Prognostics Of The Dislocated Vertebrae Of The Back.
XIX. Of The Dislocation Of The Rump.
XX. Of The Luxation Of The Ribs.
XXI. Of A Dislocated Shoulder.
XXII. Of The First Manner Of Setting A Shoulder, Which Is With One’s Fist.
XXIII. Of The Second Manner Of Restoring A Shoulder, That Is, With The Heel; When As The Patient By Reason Of Pain, Can Neither Sit Nor Stand.
XXIV. Of The Third Manner Of Restoring A Shoulder.
XXV. Of The Fourth Manner Of Restoring A Dislocated Shoulder.
XXVI. Of The Fifth Manner Of Putting The Shoulder Into Joint, Which Is Performed By A Ladder.
XXVII. The Sixth Manner Of Restoring A Shoulder, Luxated Into The Armpit.
XXVIII. How To Restore A Shoulder Dislocated Forwards.
XXIX. Of The Shoulder Located Outwardly.
XXX. Of The Shoulder Dislocated Upwards.
XXXI. Of The Dislocation Of The Elbow.
XXXII. How To Restore The Elbow, Dislocated Outwardly.
XXXIII. Of The Dislocation Of The Elbow To The Inside, And Of A Complete And Uncomplete Luxation.
XXXIV.Of The Dislocation Of The Styliformis Or Bodkin-Like Process Of The Cubit Or Ell.
XXXV. Of The Dislocation Of The Wrist.
XXXVI. Of The Dislocated Bones Of The Wrist.
XXXVII. Of The Dislocated Bones Of The After-Wrist.
XXXVIII. Of The Dislocated Fingers.
XXXIX. Of A Dislocated Thigh Or Hip
XL. Prognostics Belonging To A Dislocated Hip
XLI. Of The Signs Of The Hip, Dislocated Outwardly Or Inwardly.
XLII. Of The Thigh Bone Dislocated Forwards.
XLIII. Of The Thigh Bone Dislocated Backwards.
XLIV. Of Restoring The Thigh Bone Dislocated Inwards.
XLV. Of Restoring The Thigh Dislocated Outwardly.
XLVI. Of Restoring The Thigh Dislocated Forwards.
XLVII. Of Restoring The Thigh Dislocated Backwards.
XLVIII. Of The Dislocation Of The Whirle-Bone Of The Knee
XLIX. Of The Dislocated Knee
L. Of A Knee Dislocated Forwards
LI. Of The Separation Of The Greater And Lesser Focile
LII. Of The Leg Bone Or Greater Focile Dislocated And Divided From The Pastern Bone.
LIII. Of The Dislocation Of The Heel.
LIV. Of The Symptoms Which Follow Upon The Contusion Of The Heel
LV. Of The Dislocated Pastern Or Ankle Bone
LVI. Of The Dislocation Of The Instep And Back Of The Foot
LVII. Of The Dislocation Of The Toes
LVIII. Of The Symptoms, And Other Accidents Which May Befall A Broken Or Dislocated Member.

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I. Of alopecia, or the falling away of the hairs of the head.
II. Of the Tinea, or scald head.
III. Of the vertigo, or giddeness.
IV. Of the Hemicrania, or Megrim.
V. Of certain affects of the eyes, and first of staying up the upper eyelid when it is too lax.
VI. Of Lagophthalmus, or the hare eye.
VII. Of the Chalazion, or the Haile-stone, and the Hordeolum or Barly-corne of the eyelids.
VIII. Of the Hydatis or Fatness of the eyelids
IX. Of the eyelids fastened and glued together.
X. Of the Itching of the Eyelids
XI. Of Lippitudo, or Bleary eyes.
XII. Of the Ophthalmia, or inflammation of the eyes.
XIII. Of the Proptosis, that is, the falling or starting forth of the eye, and of the Phthisis, and Chemosis of the same.
XIV. Of the Ungula, or Web.
XV. Of the Aegilops, fistula lachrimosa, or weeping fistula of the eye.
XVI. Of the Staphiloma, or grape like swelling
XVII. Of the Hypopyon, that is, the suppurate or putrefied eye.
XVIII. Of the Mydriasis, or dilatation of the pupil of the eye.
XIX. Of a Cataract.
XX. The physical cure of a beginning cataract.
XXI. By what signs ripe and curable cataracts may be discerned from unripe and incurable ones.
XXII. Of the Couching a Cataract.
XXIII. Of the stopping of the passage of the ears and the falling of things thereinto.
XXIV. Of getting of little bones and such like things out of the jaws and throat.
XXV. Of the Toothache
XXVI. Of other affects of the teeth.
XXVII. Of drawing of teeth.
XXVIII. Of cleaning the teeth.
XXIX. Of the impediment and contraction of the tongue.
XXX. Of Superfluous fingers, and such as stick together.
XXXI. Of the too short a prepuce, and of such as have been circumcised.
XXXII. Of phymosis and paraphmosis, that is, so great a constriction of the prepuce about the glans, or nut, that it cannot be bared or uncovered at pleasure.
XXXIII. Of those whose glans is not rightly perforated, and of the too short or straight ligament, bridle, or cord of the yard.
XXXIV. Of the causes of the stone.
XXXV. Of the signs of the stone of the kidneys and bladder.
XXXVI. Prognostics in the stone.
XXXVII. What cure is to be used when we fear the stone.
XXXVIII. What is to be done, when the stone falls out of the kidney into the ureter.
XXXIX. What must be done the stone being fallen into the neck of the bladder or passage of the yard.
XL. What course must be taken, if the stone sticking in the urethra cannot be gotten out by the fore-mentioned arts.
XLI. What manner of section is to be made when a stone is in a boy’s bladder.
XLII. How to cut men, for the taking out of the stone in the bladder.
XLIII. What cure must be used to the wound, when the stone is taken forth.
XLIV. How to lay the patient after the stone is taken away.
XLV. How to cure the wound made by the incision.
XLVI. What cure is to be used to ulcers, when as the urine flows through them, long after the stone is drawn out.
XLVII. How to take stones out of women’s bladders.
XLVIII. Of the suppression of the urine by internal causes.
XLIX. A digression concerning the purging of such things as are unprofitable in the whole body by the urine.
L. By what external causes the urine is supprest; and prognostics concerning the suppression thereof.
LI. Of bloody urine.
LII. Of the signs of ulcerated kidneys.
LIII. Of the signs of the ulcerated bladder.
LIV. Prognostics of the ulcerated reins and bladder.
LV. What cure must be used in the suppression of the urine.
LVI. Of the diabetes, or inability to hold the urine.
LVII. Of the Strangury.
LVIII. Of the cholick.
LIX. Of Phlebotomie, or Blood-letting
LX. How to open a vein and draw blood from thence.
LXI. Of cupping glasses, or ventoses.
LXII. Of leeches and their use

I. The Description Of The Gout.
II. Of The Occult Causes Of The Gout.
III. Of The Manifest Causes Of The Gout.
IV. Out Of What Part The Matter Of The Gout May Flow Down Upon The Joints.
V. The Signs Of The Arthritic Humor Flowing From The Brain.
VI. The Signs Of A Gouty Humor Proceeding From The Liver.
VII. By What Signs We May Understand This Or That Humor To Accompany The Gouty Malignancy.
VIII. Prognostics In The Gout.
IX. The General Method Of Preventing And Curing The Gout.
X. Of Vomiting.
XI. The Other General Remedies For The Gout.
XII. What Diet Is Convenient For Such As Have The Gout.
XIII. How To Strengthen The Joints.
XIV. Of The Palliative Cure Of The Gout And The Material Causes Thereof.
XV. Of Local Medicines Which May Be Used To A Cold Gout.
XVI. Of Local Medicines To Be Applied To A Hot Or Sanguine Gout.
XVII. Of Local Medicines For A Choleric Gout.
XVIII. What Remedies Must Be Used In Pains Of The Joints Proceeding Of A Distemper Only, Without Matter.
XIX. What Is To Be Done After The Fit Of The Gout Is Over.
XX. Of The Tophi, Or Knots Which Grow At The Joints Of Such As Are Troubled With The Gout.
XXI. Of Flatulencies Contained In The Joints, And Counterfeiting True Gouts, And Of The Remedies To Be Used Thereto.
XXII. Of The Ischias, Hip Gout, Or Sciatica.
XXIII. The Cure Of The Sciatica.
XXIV. Of The Flatulent Convulsion, Or Convulsive Contraction, Which Is Commonly Called By The French “Gout Gramp” And By The English The “Cramp”.

Book Highlights

I. A Description Of The Lues Venerea.
II. Of The Causes Of Syphilis
III. In What Humor The Malignancy Of The Syphilis Resides
IV. Of The Signs Of The Syphilis
V. Of Prognostics.
VI. How Many, And What Means There Are To Oppugne This Disease.
VII. How To Make Choice Of The Wood Guajacum.
VIII. Of The Preparation Of The Decoction Of Guajacum.
IX. Of The Second Manner Of Curing The Syphilis, Which Is Performed By Friction Or Unction.
X. Of The Choice, Preparation And Mixing Of Hydragyrum.
XI. How To Use The Unction.
XII. What Cautions To Be Observed In Rubbing Or Anointing The Patient
XIII. Of The Third Manner Of Cure, Which Is Performed By Cerates, And Emplasters, As The Substitutes Of Unctions
XIV. Of The Fourth Manner Of Curing Syphilis.
XV. The Cure Of The Symptoms, Or Symptomatic Effects Of Syphilis And First Of The Ulcers Of The Yard.
XVI. How A Gonorrhea Differs From A Virulent Strangury.
XVII. Of The Causes And Differences Of The Scalding, Or Sharpness, Of The Urine.
XVIII. Prognostics In A Virulent Strangury.
XIX. The Chief Heads Of Curing A Gonorrhea.
XX. The General Cure Both Of The Scalding Of The Water, And Of The Virulent Strangury.
XXI. The Proper Cure Of A Virulent Strangury.
XXII. Of Caruncles , Or Fleshy Excrescences Which Sometimes Happen To Grow In The Urethra, By The Heat Or Scalding Of The Urine.
XXIII. What Other Remedies Shall Be Used To Caruncles Occasioned By The Syphilis,
XXIV. By Venereal Buboes, Or Swellings In The Groins
XXV. Of The Exostosis, Bunches Or Knots Growing Upon The Bones By Reason Of Syphilis.
XXVI. Why The Bones Become Rotten, And By What Signs It May Be Perceived
XXVII. Of Actual And Potential Cauteries.
XXVIII. Of A Vulnerary Potion.
XXIX. Of Tetters, Ring Worms Or Chops Occasioned By Syphilis
XXX. Of Curing Syphilis In Infants And Little Children.

I. Of The Causes Of The Smallpox And Measles.
II. Of The Cure Of The Smallpox And Measles.
III. What Parts Must Be Armed Against, And Preserved From The Pox.
IV. Of The Worms Which Use To Breed In The Guts.
V. What Cure To Be Used For The Worms.
VI. A Short Description Of The Elephantiasis Or Leprosy, And Of The Causes Thereof.
VII. The Signs Of A Leprosy, Breeding, Present, And Already Confirmed.
VIII. Of Prognostics In The Leprosy And How To Provide For Such As Stand In Fear Thereof.

I. The Cause Of Writing This Treatise Of Poisons
II. How Poisons Being Small In Quantity May By Their Only Touch Cause So Great Alterations.
III. Whether There Be Any Such Poisons As Will Kill At A Set Time
IV. Whether Such Creatures As Feed Upon Poisonous Things, Be Also Poisonous, And Whether They May Be Eaten Safely And Without Harm.
V. The General Signs Of Such As Are Poisoned.
VI. How Or By What Means To Shun Or Skew Poisons?
VII. How The Corrupt Or Venomous Air May Kill A Man.
VIII. That Every Kind Of Poison Has Its Proper And Peculiar Signs And Effects.
IX.. The Effects Of Poisons From Particular Venomous Things And What Prognostic May Thence Be Made.
X. What Cure Must Be Used To The Biting And Stinging Of Venomous Beasts?
XI. Why Dogs Sooner Become Mad Than Other Creatures And What Be The Signs Thereof?
XII. By What Signs We May Know A Man Is Bitten Of A Mad Dog.
XIII. Prognostic.
XIV. What Cure Must Be Used To Such As Are Bitten By A Mad Dog?
XV. What Cure Must Be Used To Such As Fear The Water, But Yet Are Able To Know Themselves In A Glass.
XVI. Of The Biting Of A Viper Or Adder. And The Symptoms And Cure Thereof.
XVII. Of The Serpent Called Him Morris.
XVIII. Of The Serpent Called Seps.
XIX. Of The Basilisk Or Kaka Trees.
XX. Of The Salamander.
XXI. Of The Torpedo.
XXII. Of The Biting Of Alps.
XXIII. Of The Biting Of A Snake.
XXIV. Of The Biting Of Toads.
XXV. Of The Stinging Of A Scorpion.
XXVI. Of The Stinging Of Bees, Wasps As Etc..
XXVII. Of The Bite Of A Spider.
XXVIII. Of 10th. The Rides And Press.
XXIX. Of Horse Leeches.
XXX. Of The Lamprey. On
XXXI. Of The Draco Marinas Or Sea Dragon.
XXXII. Of The Past And Naka Marina Or Stingray, Which Some Call The Fierce Claw.
XXXIII. Of The Lipa’s Marinas Or Sea Hair.
XXXIV. Of The Poison Of Cats.
XXXV. Of Certain Poisonous Plants.
XXXVI. Of Buzzsaw And Booze Or Tick Medicine.
XXXVII. Of Mineral Poisons.
XXXVIII. Of Quicksilver.
XXXIX. Of the Unicorn’s Horn.

I. The Description Of The Plague.
II. Of The Divine Causes Of An Extraordinary Plague.
III. Of The Natural Causes Of The Plague, And Chiefly Of The Seminary Of The Plague By The Corruption Of The Air.
IV. Of The Preparation Of Humors To Putrefaction, And Admission Of Pestiferous Impressions.
V. What Signs In The Air And Earth Prognosticate A Plague.
VI. By Using What Cautions And Air And Diet, One May Prevent The Plague.
VII. Of The Cordial Remedies By Which We May Preserve Our Bodies In Fear Of The Plague, And Cure Those Already Infected Therewith.
VIII. Of Local Medicines To Be Applied Outwardly.
IX. Of Other Things To Be Observed For Prevention, In Fear Of The Plague.
X. Of The Office Of Magistrates In The Time Of The Plague.
XI. What Caution Must Be Used In Choosing Physicians, Apothecaries, And Surgeons, Who May Have Care Of Such As Are Taken With The Plague.
XII. How Such As Undertake The Cure Of The Plague Ought To Arm Themselves.
XIII. Of The Signs Of Such As Are Infected With The Plague.
XIV. What Signs In The Plague Are Mortal
XV. Signs Of The Plague Coming By Contagion Of The Air Without Any Fault Of The Humors. XVI. Signs Of The Plague Drawn Into The Body By The Fault And Putrefaction Of Humors.
XVII. Of The Prognostication That Is To Be Instituted In The Plague.
XVIII. How A Pestilent Fever Comes To Be Bred In Us.
XIX. Into What Place The Patient Ought To Betake Himself So Soon As He Finds Himself Infected.
XX. What Diet Ought To Be Observed, In First Of The Choice Of Meat.
XXI. What Drink The Patient Infected Ought To Use.
XXII. Of Antidotes To Be Used In The Plague.
XXIII. Of Epithemes To Be Used For The Strengthening Of The Principal Parts.
XXIV. Whether Purging And Bloodletting Be Necessary In The Beginning Of Pestilent Diseases.
XXV. Of Purging Medicines In A Pestilent Disease.
XXVI. Of Many Symptoms Which Happen Together With The Plague: And First Of The Pain Of The Head.
XXVII. Of The Heat Of The Kidneys.
XXVIII. Of The Eruptions And Spots, Which Commonly Are Called By The Name Of Purples And Tokens.
XXIX. Of The Cure Of Eruptions And Spots.
XXX. Of A Pestilent Bubo, Or Plague Sore.
XXXI. Of The Cure Of Buboes, Or Plague Sores.
XXXII. Of The Nature, Causes And Signs Of A Pestilent Carbuncle.
XXXIII. What Prognostics May Be Made In Pestilent Buboes And Carbuncles.
XXXIV. Of The Cure Of A Pestilent Carbuncle.
XXXV. Of The Itching And Inflammation Happening In Pestilent Ulcers, And How To Cicatrize Them.
XXXVI. Of Sundry Kinds Of Evacuations, And First Of Sweating And Vomiting.
XXXVII. Of Spitting, Salivation, Sneezing, Belching, Hicketing, And Making Of Water.
XXXVIII. Of The Menstrual And Hemorrhoidal Purgation.
XXXIX. Of Procuring Evacuation By Stool, Or A Flux Of The Belly.
XL. Of Stopping The Flux Of The Belly.
XLI. Of Evacuation By Insensible Transpiration.
XLII. How To Cure Infants And Children Taken With The Plague.

I. how the loss of the natural or true eye may be covered, hidden or shadowed
II. By what means a part of the nose that is cut off may be restored. Or how, instead of the nose that is cut off, another counterfeit nose may be fastened or placed in the stead
III. of the placing of teeth artificially made instead of those that are lost or wanting
IV. of filling the whole hollowness of the palate.
V. How to help such as cannot speak by reason of the loss of some part of the tongue.
VI. Of covering or repairing certain defects or defaults in the face.
VII. of the defects of the ears.
VIII. of amending the deformity of such as our crook backs.
VIX. How to relieve such as have their urine flow from them against their wills and such as want their yards.
X. By what means the perished function or action of a thumb or finger may be corrected and amended.
XI. of helping those that are very or value that is crook legged or crook footed inwards or outwards.
XII. By what means? Arms, legs and hands may be made by art and placed instead of the natural arms, legs or hands that are cut off and lost.
XIII. of amending or helping lameness or halting.

The Preface.
I. Why the generative parts are endued with great pleasure.
II. Of what quality the seed is, whereof the male, and whereof the female is engendered
III. What is the cause why the females of all brute beasts, being great with young, do neither desire nor admit the males, until they have brought forth their young.
IIII. What things are to be observed, as necessary unto generation in the time of copulation
V. By what signs it may be known whether the woman has conceived or not
VI. That the womb, so soon as it hath received the seed, is presently contracted or drawn together
VII. Of the generation of the navel.
VIII. Of the umbilical vessels, or the vessels belonging to the navel.
IX. Of the ebullition or swelling of the seed in the womb, and of the concretion of the bubbles or bladders, or the three principle entrails.
X. Of the third bubble or bladder, wherein the head and the brain is formed.
XI. Of the life or soul
XII. Of the natural excrements in general, and especially of those that the child or infant being in the womb excludeth
XIII. With what travel the child is brought into the world, and of the cause of this labor and travel.
XIV. Of the situation of the infant in the womb.
XV. Which is the legitimate and natural, and which the illegitimate or unnatural time of childbirth.
XVI. Signs of the Birth at Hand
XVII. What is to be done presently after the child is born
XVIII. How to Pull away the secundine or after-birth
XIX. What things must be given to the infant by the mouth, before he be permitted to such the teat or dug.
XX. That mothers ought to nurse or give suck unto their own children.
XXI. of the choice of nurses.
XXII. what diet the nurse ought to use, and in what situation she ought to place the infant in the cradle.
XXIII. How to make pappe for children.
XXIV. of the weaning of children.
XXV. by what signs it may be known whether the child in the womb be dead or alive.
XXVI. of the surgical extraction of the child from the womb either dead or alive.
XXVII. What must be done unto the woman in travel presently after her deliverance.
XXVIII. What cure must be used to the dugs and teats of those that are brought to bed.
XXIX. what the causes of difficult and painful travel in childbirth are.
XXX. the causes of abortion or untimely birth.
XXXI. how to preserve the infant being in the womb, when the mother is dead.
XXXII. Of superfaetation.
XXXIII. Of the tumor called mola, or a mole growing in the womb of women.
XXXIV. How to discern a true conception from a false conception or mola.
XXXV. what cure must be used to the mola.
XXXVI. Of tumors or swellings happening to the pancreas or sweet-bread, and the whole mesentery.
XXXVII. Of the cause of barrenness in men.
XXXVIII. Of the barrenness or unfruitfulness of women.
XXXIX. The signs of a distempered womb.
XL. of the falling down, or perversion, or turning of the womb.
XLI. the cure of the falling down of the womb.
XLII. of the tunicle or membrane called hymen.
XLIII. A memorable history of the membrane called hymen.
XLIV. of the strangulation of the womb.
XLV. the signs of imminent strangulation of the womb.
XLVI. how to know whether the woman be dead in the strangulation of the womb or not.
XLVII. How to know whether the strangulation of the womb comes of the suppression of the flowers, or the corruption of the seed.
XLVIII. Of the cure of the strangulation of the womb.
XLIX. of womens monthly flux or courses.
L. the causes of the monthly flux or courses.
LI. the causes of the suppression of the courses or menstrual flux.
LII. what accidents follow the suppression or stopping of the monthly flux or flowers.
LIII. of provoking the flowers or courses.
LIV. the signs of the approaching of the menstrual flux.
LV. what accidents follow immoderate fluxes of the flowers or courses.
LVI. of stopping the immoderate flowing of the flowers or courses.
LVII.Of Local Medicines To Be Used Against The Moderate Flowing Of The Courses.
LVIII. Of Women’s Fluxes Or The Whites.
LIX. Of The Causes Of The Whites.
LX. The Cure Of The Whites.
LXI. Of The Hemorrhoids And Wards Of The Neck Of The Womb.
LXII. Of The Cure Of The Warts That Are In The Neck Of The Womb.
LXIII. Of Chaps And Those Wrinkled And Hard X Sense Which The Graetz Greeks Call Konda Low Matter.
LXIV. Of The Itching Of The Womb.
LXV. Of The Relaxation Of The Great Gut Or Intestine Which Happens To Women.
LXVI. Of The Relaxation Of The Navel In Children.
LXVII. Of The Pain That Children Have In Breeding Of Teeth.

The Preface
I. Of The Cause Of Monsters, And First Of Those Monsters Which Appear For The Glory Of God, And The Punishment Of Men’s Wickedness.
II. Of Monsters Caused By Too Great Abundance Of Seed.
III. Of Women Bringing Many Children At One Birth.
IV. Of Hermaphrodites Or Secrets.
V. Of The Changing Of Sex.
VI. Of Monsters Caused By Defect Of Seed.
VII. Of Monsters Which Take Their Cause And Shape By Imagination.
VIII. Of Monsters Caused By The Straightness Of The Womb.
IX. Of Monsters Caused By The Ill Placing Of The Mother In Sitting, Lying Down Or Any Other Sight Of The Body In The Time Of Her Being With The Child.
X. Of Monsters Caused By A Stroke Fall Or The Like Occasion.
XI. Of Monsters Which Have Their Or Origin By Reason Of Hereditary Diseases.
XII. Of Monsters By The Contusion Of Seed Of Diverse Confusion. Of Seed Of Diverse Kinds.
XIII. Of Monsters Occasioned By The Craft And Subtlety Of The Devil.
XIV. Of The Subterranean Devils And Such As Haunt Minds.
XV. By What Means The Devils May Deceive Us.
XVI. Of Succubi And Incubbi.
XVII. Of Magic And Supernatural Diseases And Remedies.
XVIII. Of The Codes And Ages. And Crafty Tricks Of Beggars.
XIX. Of Strange Or Monstrous Accidents In Diseases.
XX. Of The Wonderful Origin Or Breeding Of Some Creatures.
XXI. Of The Wondrous Nature Of Some Marine Things And Other Living Creatures.
XXII. Of The Admirable Nature Of Birds And Of Some Beasts.
XXIII. Of Celestial Monsters.

The Preface
I. What a Medicine is, and how it differs from nourishment
II. The Differences of Medicines in their Matter and Substance
III. The differences of simples in their qualities and effects.
IV. Of The Second Faculties Of Medicines.
V. Of The Third Faculties Of Medicines.
VI. of the Fourth Faculty of Medicines.
VII. of Tastes
VIII. Of the Preparation of Medicines.
IX. Of Repelling, Or Repercussive Medicines.
X. Of Attractive Medicines.
XI. Of Resolving Medicines.
XII. Of Suppuratives.
XIII. Of Mollifying Things.
XIV. Of Detersives, or Mundificatives.
XV. Of Sarcoticks.
XVI. Of Epuloticks, or Skinning Medicines.
XVII. Of Agglutinatives
XVIII. Of Pyroticks, or Caustick Medicines
XIX. Of Anodynes, or such as Mitigate or Assuage Pain
XX. Of the Composition and Use of Medicines
XXI. Of Weights and Measures, and The Notes of Both of Them
XXII. Of Glysters
XXIII. Of Suppositories, Nodules, and Pessaries
XXIV. Of Oils
XXII. Of Liniments
XXII. Of Ointments
XXVII. Of Cerats and Emplasters
XXVIII. Of Cataplasmes and Pultisses
XXIX. Of Fomentations
XXX. Of Embrocations.
XXXI. Of Epithemes.
XXXII. Of Potential Cauteries.
XXXIII. Of Vesicatories.
XXXIV. Of Collyria.
XXXV. Of Errhines and Sternutatories.
XXXVI. Of Apophlegmatisms, or Masticatories.
XXXVII. Of Gargarisms.
XXXVIII. Of Dentifrices.
XXXIX. Of Bags or Quilts.
XL. Of Fumigations.
XLI. Of a Particular, or Half-Bath
XLII. Of Baths.
XLIII. Of Stoves or Hot-Houses. p.1077
XLIV. Of Fuci, that is, washes, and such things for the smoothing and beautifying of the skin. p.1078
XLV. Of the Gutta Rosacea, or a Fiery Face. p.1080
XLVI. To Black the Hair p.1081
XLVII. Of Psolothra, or Depilatories: and Also of Sweet Waters. p.1082

I. What Distillation Is And How Many Kinds Thereof There Be. p.1093
II. Of The Matter And Form Of Fornaces. p.1094
III. Of Vessels Fit For Distillation. p.1094
IV. What Things Are To Be Considered In Distillation. p.1095
V. Of What Fashion The Vessels For The Distilling Of Waters Ought To Be. p.1096
VI. How The Materials Must Be Prepared Before Distillation. p.1098
VII. Of The Art Of Distilling Of Waters. p.1099
VIII. How To Distill Aquavit Or The Spirit Of Wine. p.1100
IX. Of The Matter Of Rectifying That Is How To Increase The Strength Of Waters That Have Been Once Distilled. p.1101
X. Of Distillation By Filtering. p.1102
XI. What And How Many Ways They Are To Make Oils?. p.1102
XII. Of Extracting Oils Of Vegetables By Distillation. p.1103
XIII. Another Matter How To Draw The Essence And Spirits Of Herbs, Flowers, Seeds And Spices As Also Of Rhubarb Go Rick Turbid Her Moat, The Act And Other Mergers. p.1105
XIV. How To Extract Oil Out Of Gums, Condensed Juices And Racine’s As Also Out Of Some Woods. p.1106
XV. Of Extracting Of Oils Out Of The Harder Sorts Of Gums As Myrrh, Mastic, Frankincense And The Like. p.1107
XVI. The Making Of Oil Of Vitriol. p.1108
XVII. A Table Or Catalog Of Medicines And Instruments Serving For The Cure Of Diseases. P.1109

Let us now come to reason.
Another History
Another History
Another History
Another History
Another History
Dv Bartvs.
The first operation.
The second operation.
The third.
The fourth.
The fifth.
The sixth.
The seventh.
The eighth.
The Voyage of Turin. 1536.
The Voyage of Merrill and of Low. Brittany 1543.
The Voyage of Parpignan, 1543.
The Voyage to Landresy 1544.
The Voyage of Boulogne 1545.
The Voyage of Germany 1552.
The Voyage of Dan Villiers 1552.
The Voyage of Castle. The Comet 1552.
The Voyage of Metz 1552.
The Voyage of Heat in 1553.
The Battle of St Quintin 1557.
The Voyage of the Camp of Amiens 1558.
The Voyage of Harbor of Greece 1563.
The Voyage to Ruin. 1562.
The Voyage of the Battle of Drugs. 1562.
The Voyage of the Battle of Mont Contour. 1569.
Voyage of Flanders.
The Voyage of Bourges. 1562.
The Battle of St Denys. 1567.
The Voyage of Bayonne. 1564.
The End of the Apology and Voyages.